AD FS Help Release Notes

Release Notes

We are continually making updates to AD FS Help. Any major update will have changes that are documented here.

New Federation Metadata Explorer tool

A new online tool was added that will retrieve the federation metadata document and display it in a readable format.

New AD FS Event Viewer tool

A new online tool was added that provides a list of all AD FS events for various Windows Server versions.

Summary information and supporting exportability

  • Added a section to display a summary server connectivity.
  • Added a way to download the results in CSV format.

Name identifier claim

Added support for Name Identifier claims.

New diagnostics analyzer tool

A new online tool was added that helps analyze diagnostics data exported from the diagnostics PowerShell module.

New web customization open source projects were added

New tools were added to the offline tools section.
  • AD FS Web Customizations from our Community - Want to see what web customizations other people are using and contributing? Do you have your own web customization you think someone might want? Check out our collection of community customizations.
  • MFA Page Loading Wheel - Is your MFA provider slow to react to user input? Add this waiting wheel to your AD FS customization to provide feedback to the user.

Fixed an issue with the PowerShell script

There was an issue that caused the claims PowerShell script to back up the claim rules of all relying party trusts. It was fixed such that it now only backs up the Azure RPT.

New offline tools for automated UI testing and changing service account

New tools were added to the offline tools section.
  • AD FS UI Testing - This repository contains an automated UI testing framework for AD FS.
  • Change AD FS Service Account Module - PowerShell module that allows the AD FS service account to be changed. Such functionality may be especially useful if the current service account has been compromised.

New JSON claims generator tool

A new online tool was added that helps convert JSON object into a claim rule.

Support JWT tokens via WS-Fed requests

Added support for JWT tokens issued in WS-Fed requests.

Relying party trust management tool

A new downloadable PowerShell script for managing your relying party trusts. This makes it simple to copy the Claims X-Ray claims to or from any existing relying party trust.

Fixed issue with PowerShell Script

There was an issue that caused the claims PowerShell script to set incorrect claim rules.

Client side only decoding

The JWT Decoder was updated to perform JWT token decoding purely on client side. The token never leaves your browser!